So I've been thinking...

... no I haven't, or I have, or I don't know. I'm not sure why I've started writing here now. But I'll just speak my mind.
Seems like I'm writing like I think, like I talk: incoherent. But sense is something I rarely have liked making, living in the unknown is much more thrilling. Not saying that I can't make sense..
So back at the computer again, right you can't see that I left. Well I was checking out some stuff on my iPhone, tested out the ustream live stream. Seems to work fine with a bit of delay.
I read some of my old posts again today. It is amazing what I've written (or at least it is to me). This is just so random. I thought about things to write... They actually sound pretty good. But the are to long, I don't do walls of text. I wish I had the ability to really put my thought in to words, or even the sentences I form in my head to paper. my weak link is the thought to paper transition, or actually the actual writing. That is where I fail. I'd rather be speaking... Maybe I should! Maybe I should make a audio blog or a even a video blog. What is it you say, images say more than a thousand words. Well lets see (1000*FPS+(Spoken Words)/Time)*Time oh my god, that's just amazing. I kind of just have to show my face for a few seconds and I've said more then during the whole duration of this blog. (If only that were true, but ^_^). It might be a project of the future. I'll wait and see.
But for now,
Bye Bye.
//Axel Boldt-Christmas

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