So what's up? :)

I'm just going to give you all a quick update :).. Whoever you all are :P.

I'm going to try to update this thing more frequently in the future. I just saw that the Youtube video I embedded in the last entry was changed to private, making it unable to be seen.. To bad, it was really interesting stuff. But I guess it will be available somewhere else.

Personal quote:  
A world in perfect balance
would never prevail;
it is the world's struggle
to compensate for its imbalance
that keeps it together,
keeps us in place.

Man I've got some kind of weird thing I always do when I write here... I keep hitting Ctrl-S and the save web page window appears... I thing it is because I'm so used to using Microsoft word, and as any Microsoft product it tend to crash, a bit of an overstatement but partially true. Well I'm of to bed now, got some kind of an exam tomorrow, but our teacher failed to say on what :) (worth ~50% of the course)

Well good night and See you all soon.

Really Awesome.

This is a presentation by Vint Cerf the so called father of the internet. He is talking about the future of the internet. It gets rather technical at times but other then that it is really worth watching. It is funny that the internet is only an unfinished experiment that has grown huge.

Time dilation

A world in perfect balance would never prevail; it is the worlds struggle to compensate for its imbalance that keeps it together, keeps us in place.

I think I'm soon going to bed, but before I jump in to the magic world of dreams. I'm just kidding, but seriously.. what am I talking about? I confuse myself sometimes. 

Well what I was about to say is that yesterday.. or earlier today would be more correct (like in between, in the middle of the night), i watched a great movie called "Twelve Monkeys" which is a pretty confusing movie, but I liked it. It's about time travel. And it got me thinking, cause on of my friends is, well a little sour because of the limit (v<c). The fact that you can not travel at a speed faster then the speed light, at least not without encountering complex, imaginary numbers. He is really in to space stuff and this thing limits us humans from, well basically reaching for the stars. And something you need to grasp is that time is relative, so it is transformable and it is relative to speed. And this means it can be negative, meaning that you go backwards instead of in the normal direction, also known as time travel. Both the movie "Donnie Darko"(which I also strongly recommend) and "Twelve Monkeys" explores the paradox of time travel. Now what is this? Well one of the most common examples is, if I go back in time to when my grandmother was born and then kill her. What will happen to me? I could not ever been born. But what I thought after reflecting on this question was, time travel is impossible unless space and time is already predetermined. This can be seen in the movie "Twelve Monkeys" (and in more complexity in "Donnie Darko") when the main character goes back in time because of a virus, but the only reason that the virus exists is because he went back in time. Thus the problem, the paradox. And this can be explained by saying, the events that toke place were already predetermined and could not be changed in any way. And thus back to the problem, I give you the possibility to travel faster then the speed of light, all you have to do is to accept that there is some higher power, call it God, the force, dust or whatever; and that this power has already decided your fate, your destiny. This would also give us a new concept on what we actually can do with time. Today with our way of thinking we can see the past but not change it and we can not see the future but change it. But with a predetermine "destiny" it would change it some, we would have the ability to see the future and past, but not able to effect either.

Reflect on that for a while and I will see you later. //Axel B-C

Long time no see....

Hello again... How are you all?
I'm fine, haven't been writting on this thing for over.. well forever :P. I've kind of forgot what it was all about. But today, for no aperent reason I've searched my name on google... or not my name, my alias "xmas92" and one of blogg entrys popped up, so I clicked on it and here I am writing a new entry... So how's my life??, you know if I knew the answer to that question I would be very happy. No I'm just kiding, I make it sound so sad and dramatic. It's really fine, I've got a few school things to do though, I just reminded myself. :( It's easter.. If I'm not mistaken I wrote an entry like a year ago.. or of course a year ago, about me eating an easter dinner... man my memorie, I only remember stupid things like that... Well, well what is there more to say.. It's Sunday, no school tommorow, thanks to Jesus.. ;) But I guess that's it for today... No cheating this time, only I know what I mean by that, man inside jokes when you are the only one geting it... lame., well that's a good ending, lame

See you all ;).. And Happy Easter //Axel B-C :O

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